
History of Glenorie ( District ) Medical Centre by Dr P Gibian

In 1984 the original Glenorie Medical Centre was opened by Dr Molly Hyslop and Dr Pip Gibian at 6 Post Office Road, Glenorie. For the two of us this was a big challenge. We both had families, with our youngest both 6 years old. After failing to find suitable rental premises in the area, we bought this house. Money was tight. We repainted it ourselves and renewed the garden. We retained the previous owner’s carpet and curtains for quite some years. The office furniture was mostly second-hand, as was some of the medical equipment. At that time Glenorie was very rural, surrounded by working farms. Everyone knew each other. Many farms were owned by Italian migrants from the 1960’s. They grew vegetables and fruit, but above all flowers. Their chrysanthemums and roses were legendary. The two quarter-acre residential areas were largely populated by young married couples. Housing in Glenorie was a little cheaper than other local suburban areas, allowing them to invest in their own homes.

We had investigated the area and thought there was some need for more medical services in Glenorie. This was an underestimation. The practice grew rapidly, along with the local birth rate. In those days it seemed a very long way to the nearest hospital, and dedicated after hours medical services did not exist. We shared night and weekend call with Galston Medical Centre, with the doctor-on-call looking after both practices. The home visit area ranged from Dural and Galston to Maroota. We ran Saturday and Sunday morning surgeries. Farm accidents and emergency medicine were not rare. Fortunately we were able to employ some part-time assistants. Over the years we acquired great receptionists, some really good nurses, and above all many wonderful patients. The practice continued to grow.

It started as a “little ladies practice” as it was dubbed by one observer, and became a thriving family practice known for high quality, caring medical care.

In 2007 we sold the practice to Dr. Clare Donnelly, who had worked with us for quite some years. She changed the business name to Glenorie District Medical Centre, and built a great, purpose-built surgery at 920B Old Northern Road. We both continued to work at the practice for many more years.  Glenorie has changed a great deal since 1984, and the practice has modernised in tune with the times.

The business is now owned by Drs Belinda and Sheila Lorenzo. Now the practice is much larger, has more doctors, more nurses, pathology services and  other medical services, but continues to be a real family general practice, as it always was. The Glenorie Medical Centre of old lives on in good hands.

Pip Gibian and Molly Hyslop

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